Monday, April 25, 2011

Crocheted Easter eggs and "bobnies"

I actually had more eggs than just these four, but *someone* found them and ran off to her play-kitchen...

A "bobnie" for one of my nieces. She likes pink and this one was done with all one skein of yarn that kept changing as I went... I like the effect it had.

And the other four "bobnies" (Peep-style bunnies that bob because they have no arms/legs/tail). From left to right, they have been named: Lucy, Carrot, Pat and Fred. hehehe :D My favorite is Fred on the far right, but don't tell the others..

P.S. Inspiration for these toys came from my S.I.L. over at THIS awesome site ...check out her blog and you can find a bunch more of these bobnies :) Though I think hers may have arms.. :)

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